FOH provides all student school supplies for 2021/22 - Donate here to keep this tradition going!

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For the 6th year running, Friends of Hawthorne PTA is providing all school supplies for all classrooms in the school. This means that families do not need to find a class list and go out and buy a slew of items for their student - all those supplies are ready and waiting in the classroom on the first day of school! This is an important step in helping to create equity in the classroom.

These supplies include pencils, crayons, markers, folders, calculators, scissors, paper, notebooks, pens, glue, erasers and so much more, including multiple sets of items for the Kindergarten classrooms for high-touch items.

We ask each family who is able to donate $40 for each of their students at Hawthorne. This helps to cover the costs for ALL students, including those families that may not be able to donate at this time. Your donation helps to create a sense of security, belonging, and equity in our classrooms and ensures no students go without.

Please go to the page below to donate through our site - click on the link “Please give to FOH’s School Supplies Fund Today!” Donations of more than $40 are definitely welcome!